Saturday 19 July 2014

Success Story : Ryan True

Here is a Story that Ryan True has sent us.
"Hi everybody I'm Ryan True, 20 year's old from Ditcot Oxfordshire.
I wanted to join the RAF since I was 6 year's old. My dad is Ex - RAF mountain rescue and took me onto RAF Benson and I was lucky enough to see aircraft's take off, he got me into air cadet when I was 12 and I had 5 flights in a Grob Tutor which
just made me love flying even more and because its been a dream of mine for most of my life and I've read a lot about troops in Afghanistan it just makes me excited and I just think about how proud and happy ill be when I get in, this just drives me forward and keeps me motivated knowing that I'll be doing what I love, I've applied for weapon technician so I would be putting munitions on fast jets and fixing ejection seats.
I'm halfway through the application to the RAF as a weapon technician so would be arming fighter jets, I've had to pass aptitude tests, interviews, medicals and fitness tests and still have another fitness test to go and a maths and English test too, as well as another interview, the main obstacles I've had to get over were self doubt about my knowledge for the interview and my fitness level, I had to really push myself when running and really struggled but managed to pass it with 28 seconds to spare, friends and family have helped me to get fit and learn more to help me get in."
Thank you Ryan for sharing your story with us. We really appreciate your Father for being you inspiration.
All the best for your future endeavours and may you fulfill your dreams.
God Bless.